Webnovel Translator Mandarin to English (Home based)

👍👍👍 Webnovel Translator Mandarin to English (Home based) ❤️ LINGUO GO ❤️ RM 4,900 - RM 6,900 a month ✔️ 应征者需通晓中文及英文。英文程度需至少在高级以上。若有IELTS文凭将会是一个加分项。 ✔️ 此职位需要的电脑软件技术:微软(Microsoft Word)。 ✔️ 无工作经验者及毕业生欢迎应聘。只要您会写作,故事流通,我们都欢迎您的加入。 ✔️ 有意应征者需要通过不同程度的小考试。 ✔️ 受聘之后,我们也会有一个6个月的试用期。 ✔️ 翻译员将收到华语故事,小说,然后在指定时间内翻译成英文。 ❤❤️ Fresh graduates are encourage to apply, the younger the better! No experience needed as long as your english proficiency is great! ❤ ❤️ Please submit Resume to email address provided below, and then take a short test of 15 mins. 👉 email resume to admin@linguogo.org 👈 ❤️❤️❤️