Join the ErliBird beta tester

Get paid to give feedback for new apps, websites, & products.

Earn $10 per test (or more).

Who is eligible to participate?

You must be at least 18 years old.
Must be able to speak and write fluently in English.
Must own a PC or Mac or any devices required for a specific test.

How much money can you make?

ErliBird is a fun way to make a few dollars on the side and help impact product development for exciting new products, but it isn’t meant to replace a job. The number of tests you receive depends on how many clients match your interests and demographics, and your quality feedback history. You may receive anywhere form 0-5 opportunities each month.

How are payments made?

Payments are made via PayPal 7 days after the end of a project. This allows the product owners each time to review, rate, and approve your feedback.