Automatic is hiring Freelancer from home

Automatic is hiring Freelance Designers, Engineers, and Marketing Reps, to work from home from around the globe.

Choose your own adventure · Everyone works from the location they choose. We’re spread out all over the world in more than 50 countries. We track about 70 percent of our projects on P2-themed blogs, 25 percent in private chat rooms, and the rest on Slack. Because of the geographic variance, we’re active 24/7. We care about the work you produce, not just the hours you put in.

Coming on board · When you make it past the interview stage we’ll do a project together on contract, typically lasting between two to six weeks depending on how much time you can spend, to see how we work together. When you join full-time, you’ll do customer support for for your first three weeks and spend a week in support annually, for evermore, regardless of your position. We believe an early and ongoing connection with the people who use our products is irreplaceable.

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