Mystery shopper part time

we are in the midst of recruiting mystery shoppers to conduct
evaluations at selected retailers around you!
What is Mystery Shopping? Mystery Shopping is an evaluation method
that is practiced since 1940's by companies or firms to find out how
their products and services are received and thought by their
customer. In Mystery Shopping, it involves the Mystery Shopper posing
as a customer evaluating products and services provided by the
company. You will be briefed prior to the assignment to ensure that
the Mystery Shopping is conducted according to the guidelines that
will be provided.
Tasks involved: - Visit the designated retailer Description:- Complete
the questionnaire If you are interested, please e-mail the information
as listed below to
1. Name: 2. Gender: 3. Age: 4. Contact Number: 5. E-mail Address: 6.
Country of Residence: 7. State/District: 8. Job Title: Alternatively,
feel free to visit our website at to register as our
Mystery Shopper and learn more about our organization !!!
Thank you, Regards, Anis Mustapha 019-4132043